Cover Story!
Chef Mariya Moore-Russell, the first Black woman to earn a MICHELIN Star, is reiventing herself and the culinary experience. She shares her journey and how she is shaping her future.
Cover photo credit: Margo Popio

The hard truth is Black women earn less than white men in every state and won’t nationally reach pay equity with white men until 2144. Ariane Hegewisch for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research writes that Black women were paid 63.7 cents for every dollar earned by white men nationwide. This wage disparity costs Black women about $1,891 per month, $22,692 per year and $907,680 over a 40-year career.
Read MoreWe want to look our best even when we aren’t feeling it, so Tamiko White gives us fabulous no-think fashion basics for the workplace. If you want to draw others’ eyes away from your side eye or make someone smile, focus on choosing a fabulous accessory. “Accessories make people happy,” she says. “I love a great blouse, but there’s something about a beautiful necklace or a stunning pair of earrings.” Choosing an accessory that makes you feel good about yourself or has sentimental value can give your confidence a boost.
While traditional jewelry, such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets, may be the first items that come to mind when you think about accessories, shoes, glasses, nails, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, ankle bracelets and even a handkerchief on a handbag are a part of this group. Even though it may seem that everyone wears the same hair, nail polish and carries the same bags, don’t fret because no one will wear it like you. “How you wear your accessories is very telling for people because ten women can have the same bag, but if they rock it differently, it’s unique,” she says. “It’s all about color, layers and personalization.”
Read MoreChronic phycological stress can lead to trauma and effect Black women’s health in the body, hair and skin. In the workplace, Black women report higher levels of psychological stress than their counterparts. We examine how stress shows up in Black women’s bodies.
Read MoreThe relationship between Black women and white women has been riddled with conflict from slavery to present day. The rise in public Karen incidents has prompted Black women to speak out about how this behavior shows up at work – creating hostile work environments, stifled careers and trauma.
Read MoreVibrant colors and bold prints are ways we can communicate our personalities. But what do our color choices say about us, and how can we use color to our advantage? experts agree that Blue conveys trustworthiness, reliability, honesty and loyalty. If you are having a tough time at work, feeling harassed or overwhelmed, shades of blue are solid choices. “Deeper blues bring down blood pressure and heart rate,” says Lewis. “All they’re going to know is that they feel more trusting and calmer when they are around you.”
It is also a smart color to wear if you are looking to get hired or promoted.
We applaud all Black women in corporate, government, non-profits, academia, healthcare and businesses across the country who are making their mark, clocking in and raising profits. But, sometimes being an employee doesn’t work out or you have an idea that you can’t let go. We talk to two women who decided to bet on themselves and go out on their own.
Read MoreOur color experts spoke and Blue is the color for our first issue of Notable because it communicates trustworthiness, reliability and honesty. It’s also considered the best color to wear when you are looking to get hired or promoted – and we are all about moving up. Stylist Raven DuBois shares a style edit for the color blue.
Read MoreMusic is the window to the soul and it can change your mood in an instant. We know that being inside working while the summer is summertiming can be a drag. Check out our playlist for when you are feeling a “way” and need some finger-snapping to get you through the day.
Read MoreTrauma often shows up first in our hair, and our stylists can help identify when our stress levels are too high. Stylists can also be a sounding board for venting our issues. Experts are bridging the gap between salon visits and seeking help from a mental health professional.
Read MoreYou think you know all about navigating your career, but there are some myths that often get us into a bind. We walk you through seven that can help make the difference in your workplace experience.
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